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David Dewhurst 29 Tweets, Keywords: despite warnings from fellow republicans, david dewhurst repeatedly utilized, why are you raising money to attack groups that, groups that fight for limited government and, solid conservative record
Today, 9:00am est
Mitch Daniels 163 Tweets, Keywords: mitch daniels as the next purdue president, bot moves and seconds the nomination of, the nomination of gov, bot moves and seconds, purdue has nominated governor mitch daniels to be the
Today, 9:00am est
Scott Brown 119 Tweets, Keywords: "kings and queens, no, scott brown, msnbc isn't hosting your debate: http:, "kings and queens and
Today, 9:00am est -
Sherrod Brown 23 Tweets, Keywords: coal state senator sherrod brown joins obama's 'war on, state senator sherrod brown joins obama's 'war on coal', coal': we've previously told you about the war that, 'war on coal': we've previously told you, state senator sherrod brown joins obama's 'war on c
Today, 9:00am est -
Tammy Baldwin 32 Tweets, Keywords: baldwin releases first ad in wisconsin senate race: rep, baldwin releases first ad in wisconsin senate race http:, look for our ad on local tv stations across, baldwin releases first senate campaign ad: rep, like @tammybaldwinwi has a new ad directed right at
Today, 9:00am est -
Chuck Grassley 25 Tweets, Keywords: ag, but thinks full house will vote on contempt, why do we h v such a channel when, norwalk hs 41students issues stop gasprices afgnistan gaymarriage iowa, guns found apr 2009 - not one word about
Today, 7:00am est -
Bill Nelson 14 Tweets, Keywords: rep connie mack has 38 point lead in gop, quinnipiac poll finds him down to dem bill nelson, in new quinnipiac poll, poll: nelson holds small lead over mack:, has a narrow lead over gop rep
Today, 5:00am est -
Marco Rubio 33 Tweets, Keywords: marco rubio asks: what is obama hiding, bien posicionado para llegar a presidente de estados unidos, marco rubio asks: what, is obama hiding with, marco rubio asks:
Today, 3:00am est -
Chuck Grassley 14 Tweets, Keywords: "how can the president assert executive privilege if there, if there was no white house involvement, governing it's rediculus that he has done abt 100, #99countytour correction panora townmeet not pinora as in last, do you know that you are allowed 140 chara
Today, 1:00am est -
Tim Kaine 22 Tweets, Keywords: #urgent @bobmcdonnell in ut, #urgent @bobmcdonnell in, #uva join http:,
Today, 1:00am est -
Claire McCaskill 13 Tweets, Keywords: it looks like @clairecmc 's decisions are going to, hi @clairecmc today, you voted for one of costliest, going to cause missouri electricity rates to, of costliest regulations in us history devastating
Wednesday, June 20th, 10:00pm est -
Eric Cantor 105 Tweets, Keywords: #fastandfurious was a reckless operation that led to the, if attorney general holder does not provide the requested, documents, the house will vote next week to hold, to the death of an american border
Wednesday, June 20th, 10:00pm est -
Joe Walsh 38 Tweets, Keywords: joe walsh at town hall: obama 'isn't smart enough', smart enough' to know what tyrant means, calls @repjoewalsh @rep_joewalsh a 'dead beat dad' after case, enough' to know what, to know what
Wednesday, June 20th, 10:00pm est -
Tim Kaine 34 Tweets, Keywords: #urgent @bobmcdonnell in ut, #urgent @bobmcdonnell in, #uva join http:, want you to know about college funding, on 'media buy' supporting tim kaine on
Wednesday, June 20th, 10:00pm est -
Steve King 34 Tweets, Keywords: steve king on fox tonight: obama's just like nixon, i'd love to see him as the next speaker, ‘congress has to assert our constitutional authority, #iowa predicts indictment of holder by fed grand jury, speaker of the house
Wednesday, June 20th, 8:00pm est
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