One has to wonder if the Saturday announcement of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s VP choice was calculated to slowdown immediate attacks from the left. However, with social media at our fingertips, one does not need copy and print to get the spin out. It is done with a picture shared on Facebook, or in 140 character or less on Twitter. Officials on the left have come out with a barrage of attacks calling Ryan someone who will destroy Medicare. Everyone on the Obama email list has received multiple email blasts with appeals to give money. The people who share pictures have come out with Ryan as the “Royce to Romney’s Rolls” - a calling him a homophobic who supposedly hates the female gender too. Officials on the right call him a family man from a small town who will shore up the moral and fiscal conservative race. Even Obama said in a speech that he likes him as a person. Conservatives believe they finally have somebody with the backbone to address the budget hole that America is in. Some conservatives on Twitter even have him as this year’s tea party savior. We probably will not know the real Paul Ryan until he is either in office, or has his own reality show. Either way, here are what people are saying. What do you think?
The good….
Paul Ryan is a great American bowhunting BloodBrotherwith the vision of good positive productive American families-Godspeed
— Ted Nugent (@TedNugent) August 11, 2012
Paul Ryan has arrived at the IA State fair. Huge crowd awaits him at the soap box.…
— Joy Lin (@JoyLinFN) August 13, 2012
Congratulations to Mitt Romney on his choice of Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. President Obama has…
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) August 12, 2012
The bad…
I really hope the women on Twitter supporting
#RomneyRyan2012 realize Paul Ryan is fundamentally against their entire gender.— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) August 12, 2012
New poll shows Paul Ryan is least popular VP pick since Dan Quayle: That’s right - worse than reactions to Palin.
— Jennifer Granholm (@JenGranholm) August 13, 2012
For those of you who don’t know much about Paul Ryan: OFA.BO/VH5Agw. For those of you who do, spread the word with a RT.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2012
The silly…
Paul Ryan reportedly listens to heavy metal. Megadeth isn’t just his favorite band, it’s also his healthcare policy.
— Indecision (@indecision) August 13, 2012
Paul Ryan worked at McDonalds when he was 16-years old. Just that puts him WAY ABOVE Obama in private sector experience.
— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) August 13, 2012
Today in horserace minutiae: Paul Ryan became Prom King “automatically” since he was class president, says Prom Queen.
— Annie Lowrey (@AnnieLowrey) August 13, 2012